Sound Sleep Guru
Sleep Quality versus Sleep Quantity:

Sleep Quality versus Sleep Quantity:

When I’m developing customized sleep plans for my patients a lot of the times people are solely focused on the end result of getting eight hours of sleep per night.  The evidence-based solutions I utilize are a series of small steps which are implemented over time and...
A Mindful Moment for Insomnia:

A Mindful Moment for Insomnia:

Mindfulness can be an extremely powerful tool for treating insomnia. ⁣In my last post I talked about reducing sympathetic activation (flight or fight). In this post I’ll focus on facilitating parasympathetic activity (rest and digest). ⁣Mindfulness can sound...
A Rare Sleep Disorder:

A Rare Sleep Disorder:

Today I thought it would be engaging to share a rare sleep disorder, but one I’ve seen and diagnosed.  Exploding Head Syndrome⁣ Presents as a sudden loud noise, snap, or explosion usually at sleep onset or upon awakening. ⁣ Can occur as an isolated incident or in a...
Sleep Apnea Screening Tools⁣

Sleep Apnea Screening Tools⁣

Is it possible to know if I have obstructive sleep apnea without seeing a sleep specialist? Two common screening tools used for obstructive sleep apnea are the Berlin questionnaire and the STOP-BANG which are validated for obstructive sleep apnea.  ⁣ For a non-sleep...
What is CPAP?

What is CPAP?

CPAP is an acronym for continuous positive airway pressure. ⁣ Gentle air pressure is applied to the upper airway by way of a mask to prevent the throat from collapsing during sleep in ppl with obstructive sleep apnea.⁣  CPAP is extremely effective, safe, and (most of...
Deep Sleep Part 2:

Deep Sleep Part 2:

A very common questions I get asked is how can I get more deep sleep?  The brain generates deep sleep through a pathway involving the neurotransmitter adenosine. ⁣There are several ways to increase adenosine ⁣The longer we are awake the more adenosine (sleep debt) we...